Iron II Test

Patent No. 2910933
Iron is the main indicator of wear in 2 stroke diesel engines. Testing cylinder drain oil for iron content and residual base number (BN) is a common technique for screening drain oil samples on board seagoing vessels.
CM Technologies introduces a novel technology for testing iron on site. The new and improved Iron Test is faster, easier, and more accurate than any other available method.
The CMT Iron Test II is a novel and patented method based on a simple two-component wet chemistry that is measured in an electronic photometer.
An electric shaker assists the user in performing the test.
The test procedure takes only 3 minutes to obtain an accurate iron test result. For higher iron readings, the user can perform a second test to measure only the corrosive iron. This will provide the values for total, corrosive, and abrasive iron.

The iron content in the cylinder drain oil is an indicator of the wear and corrosion in the cylinder liner. By monitoring the iron content and taking remedial actions promptly, the cold corrosion and abrasive wear in the cylinder liner can be avoided.
The CMT CDO BN Test Kit and the Electronic Iron Analysis Kit allow monitoring of the most critical parameters of the drain oil on-site, providing the user with the necessary information to optimize the cylinder oil’s feed rate and prevent unnecessary wear of the individual cylinder liners. Both kits are also available as a combined CDO Test Kit.
Your Benefits
Greatly increased repeatability and accuracy (+/- 20 ppm)
Differentiation between corrosive and abrasive iron
No soot dependence on the test allows for the most reliable results
Fastest onsite wet chemistry test
Intuitive usage due to touchscreen functionality
Large memory for storing data
Easy trending thanks to a high-resolution graphic display
Simple USB data transfer to a PC
No hazardous chemicals involved
Electronic Iron II SM Test Kit
Range: 50 – 1500 ppm
Corrosive iron: 0 – 100 % of total
Abrasive iron: 0 – 100 % of total
Accuracy: +/- 20 ppm
Repeatability: 10 ppm
Test Time (ave.): 3 min. per Test
No. of initial Tests: 50
Memory: last 20 reading / cyl.
14 cylinders
Reagents: non-hazardous
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Iron II Test Reagent Pack (Version II)
No. of Tests: 50 drain oil samples
Reagents: non hazardous
Iron Test Reagent Pack (Version I)
No. of Tests: 50
Reagents: non hazardous
Glass Vial Consum. Pack (for S/N > 400)
Glass Vials with cap: 100
Vial Cleaner
Size 250 ml
Reagent: non hazardous
Iron Test Consumables Pack (Version I)
Glass Tubes (blue caps): 24
Set of Syringes