
Fuel Bacteria Test
Fuel Bacteria Test

Bacteria, moulds and yeasts can all grow rapidly in fuel tanks! Free water, warmth and condensation in the fuel form the basis for growth of the Diesel Bugs. -> Bacteria, moulds, and yeasts can all grow rapidly in fuel tanks! Free water, warmth, and condensation in the fuel form the basis for the growth of the diesel bugs.

Standard diesel grades are clear and usually light yellow. If you notice any change in color, it could indicate the presence of the diesel bug. The only way to be sure is to test the fuel!

The only way to be sure is
to test the fuel!

When fossil diesel is mixed with eco-friendly biodiesel, it becomes a rich food source for microbes. This causes the microbes to multiply and produce more “biomass”. The biomass can block the filters, corrode the metal, and damage the engine.

You can use the CMT Fuel Filter Bacteria Tests to check if your diesel fuel has bacteria. If your filter is clogged, you can use the Dip Slide Test to find out why. Just put some of the residue from the filter on the dip slide and let it grow. If you see bugs on the slide, they are the cause of the clogging. If not, it means there is some other dirt in the filter.



Fuel Bacteria Test

Fuel Bacteria Test


your benefits

The Fuel Filter Bacteria Test:
• provides evaluation of Diesel Bug count (bacteria, yeast and moulds
• Easy to use.
• Provides precise and reliable result.
• Allows fast and safe handling.
• Suitable for all qualities


Fuel Filter Bacteria Test (Dip Slides)
Range: low / moderate / heavy
Test Time: 24 – 48 h at 27 – 30°C 1-4 days at ambient temperature
No. of Tests: 10