Potable Water Test Kit

Water is essential for life and health, and we use it for various purposes, such as drinking, cooking, washing, and cleaning.
Therefore, we need to ensure that the water we use is safe and clean.
International standards for potable water quality monitoring and control are based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations through its International Health Regulations (IHR).
These standards have been adapted for the potable water on board ships, as part of the Ship Sanitation Certificate. MLC 2006 is a regulation that applies to all seagoing vessels and has been in force since August 20, 2013. It specifies the procedures for monitoring and controlling the potable water quality on board ships, such as:
- The systems that need to be monitored,
- The methods and frequency of testing,
- The requirements for record keeping

According to ILO MLC (2006), a qualified person is also required to perform the test on board the vessel or rig. CMT provides complete training for Marine Potable Water Tests to ensure the attendee is qualified to perform all tests according to the legislation. At the end of the training, each attendee will get a certificate proving their qualification.
The CMT Marine Water Test Solutions comply with:
MLC (2006)
WHO Health Regulations (2005)
ILO 178 (2009)
European Drinking Water Regulations
Norwegian Drinking Water Regulations (applies for ALL ships calling Norwegian ports!)
CMT also offers training for marine potable water testing, which qualifies the attendee to do all tests by law. The training teaches water testing theory and practice and how to interpret and report results. The attendee gets a certificate after the training.
The training is for anyone who does water testing on vessels or rigs, such as ship managers, engineers, officers, or crew members.
CMT’s products and services help customers follow the regulations and standards for marine potable water quality, such as MLC (2006), WHO Health Regulations (2005), ILO 178 (2009), European Drinking Water Regulations, and Norwegian Drinking Water Regulations. Using CMT’s solutions, customers can protect passengers and crew’s safety and well-being.

CMT provides marine water testing solutions, including the CMT Potable Water Test Kit, which allows ship staff to check the drinking water quality on board.
The kit has tests for control parameters and bacteria that can harm health. The kit can work alone or with lab analysis, depending on the flag state.
CMT has two versions of the kit:
- The standard one, with tests for aerobic bacteria and E. coli
- The full one, with tests for enterococci and pseudomonas bacteria.
Both versions have a digital incubator for consistent results.
Self-contained testing kit for E. Coli and Coliforms.
Helps you to meet MLC 2006 recommendations for the quality of drinking water.
Includes compact and robust sample incubator.
USB with training material.
Your Benefits
Incubator ensures that you achieve consistent test results.
Additional test kits can be added as required to
Meet flag state and/or company requirements.
USB training material supports you with crew training and competency.
Standard Potable Water Test Kit
Digital Incubator
UV Lamp
Digital Temperature Meter
Chlorine LR: 0 – 1 ppm (Free & Total)
Chlorine LR: 0 – 5 ppm
Chlorine HR: 0 – 250 ppm
pH: 4 pH – 11 pH
Aerobic Bacteria: 0 – 1400 CFU/ml
Full Potable Water Test Kit
Same as Standard Test Kit plus:
Enterococci: 1 CFU/100 ml
Pseudomonas: 1 CFU/100 ml
Marine Potable Chlorine Test Kit
Comparator & Cells
Chlorine (Free & Total) VLR: 0 – 1 mg/l
Chlorine (Free & Total) LR: 0 – 5 mg/l
Chlorine HR: 0 – 250 mg/l
Marine Potable Bacteria Test Kit
Digital Incubator
UV Lamp
Digital Temperature Meter
Coliform/E Coli Test: 1 CFU/100 ml
Aerobic Bacteria Test : 0 – 1400 CFU/ml
A logbook is included in every Test Kit
Reagents (Full refill of respective Test Kit)
Standard Potable Water Kit Consumables
Full Potable Water Test Kit Consumables
Potable Chlorine Test Kit Consumables
Potable Bacteria Test Kit Consumables