Flash Point

The CMT Flash Point Tester is a device that can measure the temperature at which a material ignites in air using a closed cup method and only 2 ml of sample. The flash point of engine oils can indicate if there is fuel contamination, which can cause severe damage to the engine. The flash point of a material also affects how it is classified, stored, and transported, according to safety regulations.
The Flash Point Tester is a compact, bench top / portable, closed cup instrument that can perform ‘flash / no flash’ tests or determine flash point values up to 300°C using either Ramp or Rapid Equilibrium methods. The operating principle is that a cup containing the sample to be tested is electrically heated in a ramp function to automatically increase the temperature for repeated tests until a flash is observed or the end of the search range is reached, allowing rapid determination of samples.
The device also features a user-friendly yes/no test. It is heated to a user-set test temperature. At the set temperature, a shutter in the lid is opened and a test flame is dipped into the vapour space above the sample. The device can determine if a sample has a flash point above or below the test temperature by detecting whether a flash has occurred or not.
Electronic Flash Point Tester
Temp Range: Ambient temperature (+5) to 300°C
Sample Size: 2-4 ml
Test Time: OK in 2 minutes
Temp Running: 2° C/min.
Test Method: Closed Cup
Resolution: 0.5°C
Accuracy: 0.5°C
Flash Detection: Automatic
Voltage: 110-250 V
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Power: 200 W
Weight: 4,3 kg
Note: A standard butane (lighter) refill
cartridge is required for operation.
Test Kit Cleaner (250 ml)