Cat Fines II Test

Cat Fines are materials made of aluminium and silicon that help break down oil into petrol and other fuels in the refineries. They are useful for making fuel, but they are also very rough and can damage the engines that use the oil left over from the refining process. Therefore, Cat Fines need to be taken out of the oil residues to prevent engine problems.
Electronic Cat Fines II
Accurate high-end device
Until now, there was no way to measure the real and current Cat Fines concentration in the fuel on board with good accuracy.
But with the new Electronic Cat Fines II Test Kit, you can find out how many catalytic fines are in your fuel. The test is easy to do and affordable, and the device shows you the values in “ppm” with high accuracy.
go / no go Indicator
As a means of self-preservation, vessels collect representative fuel samples during bunkering and then send them off for laboratory analysis. However, the test results often only become available once the vessel is already sailing again, by which time the fuel might be in use already and significant engine damage may already be in progress.
The new Econ Cat Fines Test Kit has been specifically designed to provide the crew with a clear sail or don’t sail indication with regards to fuel quality.

Your benefits:
• Revolutionary new system
• Allows multiple tests at different sampling points
• Low costs per test
• Only small fuel sample size needed

Cat Fines II SM Test Kit
Range: 8 – 70 (140) ppm
Accuracy: +/- 5 ppm (Al)
Test Time: 10 minutes
No. of Tests: 30
Cat Fines II Reagent Pack (30)
Vial Cleaner
Glass Vial Consumables Pack (100)
Econ Cat Fines Test Kit
Range: 15-200 ppm
Accuracy: +/- 5 ppm (Al)
Test Time: 1 minute
No. of Tests: 30
Econ Cat Fines Reagent Pack (30)
Econ Cat Fines Reagent Pack (30)
500 ml Fuel Oil Sample Bottle Pack
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